
I. Books on Facet Theory: An annotated List


Shye, S. & Elizur. D. Introduction to Facet Theory: Content Design and Intrinsic Data Analysis in Behavioral Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1994.

                A basic introductory textbook of Facet Theory with exercises.

Shye, S. (Ed.). Theory Construction and Data Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences: . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.

An edited volume in honor of Louis Guttman explaining and illustrating Facet Theory, with chapters by Roger Shepard, Edward Laumann, Clyde Coombs, James Lingoes, Arieh Lewy among others.

Shye, S. Multiple Scaling: The Theory and Application of Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1985.

The logical and algebraic foundations of multiple scaling by Partial Order Scalogram Analysis, with examples.  Reviews

Canter, D. (Ed.) Facet Theory: Approaches to Social research. New York: Springer, 1985.

An edited volume presenting Facet Theory and its application to behavioral action systems, child development, place evaluation, social value research among other topics

Levy, S. (Ed.) Louis Guttman on Theory and Methodology: Selected Writings. Aladershot, England: Dartmouth, 1994.

An edited volume presenting some of Louis Guttman's contributions to aspects of Facet Theory: foundations, techniques, applications

Borg, I. & Shye, S. Facet Theory: Form and Content. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1995.

An exposition of FT with reference to statistical methods, including mathematical formulation of confirmatory Faceted SSA and of an interpretation of the principal components of scalable attitudes.

Shye, S. (Ed.). Facet Theory and Its Applications. Jerusalem: Megamot, 33(3-4). A special issue in memory of Louis Guttman, 1991. (Hebrew, with abstracts in English).

An edited monograph in Hebrew with a brief presentation of Facet Theory and 24 contributions by Louis Guttman's colleagues and students, with topics ranging from cognition and humor to sociometric indices and ethnic integration.


II. Facet Theory Bibliography